Bioengineering solutions and products

Improvement of industrial processes through science


At Cumulatis, we empower bioprocess engineers to use advanced process modeling, optimization, and control tools to design efficient and robust bioprocesses. In this way, we accelerate the transition phase for new bioproducts from the laboratory scale experiments to the industrial bioreactors.


We are an innovative platform intended for the cooperation of engineers and scientists to design efficient bioprocesses, which enables saving raw materials, reducing energy consumption, and helping biotechnology achievements reach a wide range of people.

Combining Knowledge

Efficient integration of knowledge from different fields (Bioprocess Engineering, Computer Science, Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics) and different sources (Fundamental Models, Experts' Knowledge, On-Line and Off-Line Data) allows us to innovatively solve various tasks. This leads to improving efficiency and quality of processes and reduce the required sources.

Registration address

Parko 24, Ringaudai, LT-53331
Kaunas county,


2022, MB Cumulatis